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2022 IPEC COF Award: OspreyPERCH
Wednesday, December 07, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Webinar


Several studies have found a high prevalence of burnout and depression among students and residents of all disciplines. Find out how the recent winners of the 2022 Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award implemented a student learning and service program to identify and address unmet student mental health needs.

Honorees from the University of North Florida will share details around their interprofessional education for collaborative practice project, OspreyPERCH: Prevention, Early Intervention and Resiliency through Counseling & Holistic Health an Integrative Behavioral Health Clinical Training Program. Utilizing integrative health principles, the PERCH program offers clinical mental health counseling student counselors, social work interns, and graduate student interns in public health, nutrition, dietetics, and exercise science the opportunity for specialty practice and supervision in the integration of spirituality, creativity, animals, and nature in health care.

Webinar participants will hear the results of their work to support and enhance a health and wellness continuum of care.

Speakers include:

  • Carlene Taylor, EdD, LMHC, NCC, ERYT, ESMHL, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of North Florida Brooks College of Health; Director, OspreyPERCH & Animal Assisted Interventions in Healthcare Iniitatives
  • Danielle C. Free, MS-CMHC, MSPP, OspreyPERCH Research Coordinator and Co-Pi; Graduated PERCH Counseling Fellow & Program Coordiantor, Florida Registered Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern
  • Jessie Stapleton, PhD, MSEd, Assistant Professor, Exercise Science, University of North Florida Brooks College of Health
  • Kodilichi Echeozo, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCACP, Lieutenant commander, U.S. Public Health Service; Reviewer, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Moderator)
  • Highlight the advantages of engaging interprofessional learners and faculty in a multi-tiered approach to campus culture change
  • Examine the importance of student participation in mental health, wellness, and resiliency activities
  • Describe the aspects of a student and faculty-led comprehensive holistic health and wellness program with specialized nutrition education and exercise science interventions
  • Share “lessons learned” in implementing and evaluating a working model of integrative medicine combining three clinical disciplines and public health education to holistically respond to student and community needs

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Headshot pictureCarlene Taylor, EdD, LMHC, NCC, ERYT, ESMHL
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of North Florida Brooks College of Health
Director, OspreyPERCH & Animal Assisted Interventions in Healthcare Initiatives

Dr. Taylor is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor a Qualified Counselor Supervisor in Florida, and Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. She holds a Georgia Professional Teaching Certificate in School Counseling.  She and her K-9 partner, Eli, are registered with the AKC and the Pet Partners Program as a Therapy Dog/Handler Team, and Dr. Taylor is a Licensed Pet Partners Team Evaluator. Dr. Taylor is also registered with the Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) with specialized training in yoga for general mental health and trauma treatment.

She is passionate about integrative and integrated healthcare and interprofessional healthcare education especially in the realm of behavioral health.    She is noted for her implementation science approach to research and innovative program development.  This approach led to UNF’s OspreyPERCH program.  "PERCH" is a clinical training program for graduate students in mental health disciplines that focuses on prevention, early intervention, and resiliency through counseling and holistic health. PERCH provides the UNF community a completes the universities continuum of mental health components that enhances and supports UNF’s existing Counseling Center, Student Health Services & Recreation/Wellness programs.

This clinical training program has now become a formalized Integrative Behavioral Health Clinical Training Program and expanded beyond the UNF campus to serve community mental and behavioral health agencies by adding graduate and post-graduate students from other universities to the training cohort. 

Prior to joining the faculty at UNF, Dr. Taylor served for more than 20 years in clinical practice in numerous administrative and clinical positions working to expand high quality clinical care to underserved populations. She is a nationally recognized expert in Human-Animal Interaction, Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling and Childhood Sexual Abuse.   

Dr. Taylor maintains a small private practice ( in the Jacksonville Beach area, specializing in creative and integrative techniques that involve working with humans, animals, and the natural world for the betterment of all.


Headshot pictureDanielle C. Free, MS-CMHC, MSPP, OspreyPERCH Research Coordinator and Co-PI; Graduated PERCH Counseling Fellow & Program Coordinator, Florida Registered Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern

Danielle Free is Florida Registered Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern awaiting final approval for independent licensure.  Danielle has a background in Contemplative Science and Secular Ethics of Positive Psychology and joined the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at the University of North Florida to blend biopsychological approaches to healing with clinical counseling interventions.  Similar aspirations of improving campus health led Danielle to Dr. Taylor and a fledgling implementation research project later known as OspreyPERCH.  Danielle was instrumental in developing and implementing the OspreyPERCH program, first as a volunteer and then as a graduate research assistant in its initial year of operation.  Danielle was also in the first CMHC cohort of interns dedicated to PERCH and, after graduation, completed a 2-year Post-master’s Fellowship in Integrative Behavioral Health Practices.  Danielle has served critical roles in the program as Administrative Coordinator & Research Coordinator throughout her tenure. Danielle completed her fellowship in August 2022, accumulated the necessary clinical hours, and passed the state exams to qualify for independent licensure in Florida as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (pending board approval).

Following the completion of the PERCH Fellowship, Danielle opened a private practice, Contemplative Psychotherapy Services ( in the greater Jacksonville area and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Health Neuropsychology to research the evolving symptomologies of stress-related illnesses and the impact of contemplative interventions on damaged neural networks, endocrine function, and immune response.  In addition, Danielle will continue as Co-Investigator of the OspreyPERCH UNF IRB-approved outcome study in process and pursue other research and publication interests based on the PERCH program model.  Aside from the PERCH-related research, long-term interests include the investigation of stress/trauma/grief influences neuropsychology function across states of wellness, the role of other-focused forgiveness in mental health, and the creation of flourishing-based preventative activities for various client populations.


Headshot picture

Jessie Stapleton, PhD, MSEd
Assistant Professor
Exercise Science, University of North Florida Brooks College of Health

Dr. “J” Stapleton is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology in the Brooks College of Health at the University of North Florida. Her research interests include the psychosocial mechanisms and consequences of sport and physical activity among student-athletes and persons with mobility impairment. In OspreyPERCH she is the director of UNF Athletics Mental Performance and is leading the implementation of Exercise Is Medicine assessment and intervention practices.  Adding EIM to the holistic health services offered through PERCH, provides interns and fellows evidence based physical activity assessments and referral sources to engage clients in physical activity as a treatment intervention for mental and behavioral health symptoms.  Dr. J serves as a mental performance consultant for Osprey Athletics and USA Para Powerlifting. She and her canine teammate, Zion, are a registered Pet Partners Therapy Team in collaboration with OspreyPERCH and UNF Campus Canines. Dr. J is also a competitive athlete and avid traveler.


Headshot picture

Kodilichi Echeozo, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCACP
Lieutenant Commander (LCDR), U.S. Public Health Service
Reviewer, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Moderator)

LCDR Kodilichi (Kodi) Echeozo is a Labeling Reviewer in the Office of Generic Drugs, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. She plays a critical role in advancing FDA’s public health mission by mitigating errors on medication labeling to promote the safe and effective use of generic drugs. She facilitates bringing highly needed and cost-effective generic drug products to the American Public.

LCDR Echeozo joined the USPHS Commissioned Corps in November 2016 and currently serves as the Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee Policy Workgroup Lead. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Trinity University with a B.S. degree in Biology and received her Pharm.D. and M.B.A degree from Roseman University of Health Sciences. She is also a Board-Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS) and Ambulatory Care Pharmacist (BCACP).